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FAQ for Mobile DNC 2.0

Agents Edition

Q: How long is my subscription(s) valid for?

A: It is valid for 12 months upon the date of activation.

Q: How can I check for my subscription validity period?

A: You can email Please provide your name, agency and mobile number used for your SpiderGate subscription.


Q: What happens to my SpiderGate subscription if I move to a different agency?

A: We do not support transfer of accounts across agencies. As such, if you do move to a different agency, you will have to purchase a new SpiderGate subscription under the new agency. Your previous agency’s DPO will disable your SpiderGate subscription and you will no longer be able to do any DNC checks until you re-subscribe.


Q: How do I renew my subscription?

A: You can email Please provide your name, agency and mobile number used for your SpiderGate subscription.

Q: What happens if I get a PDPC letter/complaint?

A: We strongly recommend you notify your organization’s DPO about the PDPC letter/complaint and provide him/her with the checking history for the affected numbers. you can do so from the Global DNC app’s History icon (top right corner Timer icon).

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